Right-hand and left-hand itchy palm meanings: Have you ever experienced an itch in your palm and wondered what it could mean? Superstitions about right and left-hand itching can tell a lot about our lives.
Many cultures believe that the right or left-hand itching palm is a sign of good luck or bad luck. From lottery to superstition, you will get surprised after knowing some of these meanings!
If you’re curious to find out what the spiritual meaning behind an itchy palm is, then you have come to the right place.
Today, you will learn each and every myth, superstition, common belief, or spiritual meaning regarding right or left-hand itchy palms.
You will also find out whether there is any difference in the itchy palm meaning for females and males. So, let’s get started.
What Does It Mean When Your Hands (Palms) Itch?

Itchy palms can be a sign of something significant in the spiritual realm, and many cultures and traditions believe that itchy palms have spiritual significance.
According to the Eastern astrology of Nepal and India, itchy palms can be a sign of financial gain or good luck on the horizon. It could also indicate that you should be more generous with your time, money, or resources and help others.
Not only that, but itchy palms can also be a sign that your intuition or inner guidance is trying to guide you toward something important and you should listen to it.
Furthermore, itchy palms can also indicate that you are about to embark on a new journey or change direction in your life and be open to new opportunities and experiences.
Meanings of Right-Hand Itching
What does it mean when your right-hand itches? If you have a right hand with an itchy palm, it’s a good omen because palmistry (the practice of fortune-telling through the study of the features of the palm) and common beliefs support this as good fortune.
It is believed that the itchy right palm foretells the possibility of unexpected money or wealth coming in. You will receive money from new sources or your lost money will find its way back to you.
If you are planning to spend money on the lottery or investing in the stock market, or share market, do it when your right hand is itching.
NOW is the best time for you because the rule “money attracts money” will work for you.
Likewise, the property you are planning to sell will get the best price, and there is a big chance of achieving attractive deals that you might not have expected.
It is also believed that lost money or other valuable things will be found if you start searching when you have an itchy right palm.
The itchy right hand is considered a good fortune by almost every culture and tradition, but one book named “Italian Folk Magic: Rue’s Kitchen Witchery” by Mary-Grace Fahrun describes it as having luck but in a negative way.
According to this book, if you have right-hand itching, you will win anything but through negative actions, like beating up someone.
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Right-Hand Itching and Lottery
Does an itchy palm mean you’ll soon make money? As we have mentioned earlier, an itchy right palm is considered a good fortune for collecting wealth and money. It foretells that the money is coming toward you.
To support this common itchy hand myth, there are actually several stories of people who won the lottery shortly after having right-hand itching.
A man in Michigan won $250,000, a woman in Baltimore won $50,000, a woman in the UK won over $23.7 million, and a woman in Brooklyn won $64 million in a lottery ticket within a few days after having right-hand itching.
But, it’s up to you whether to believe this as a happy coincidence or a myth because there are thousands of people who bought the tickets and didn’t win anything.
Meaning of Right Palm Itching for Females and Males
Mostly in the Eastern culture (India, Nepal, and other south Asian countries) with the influence of Hindu traditions and beliefs, right palm itching can have different meanings for males and females.
An itchy right hand in a male is a sign that you are going to attract money, whereas itching the right hand of a female is considered a bad omen, and it means you will have money going out.
So, it depends on whether you are a man or woman to have bad or good luck when your right palm itches.
Left-Hand Itching Meanings and Spiritual Omen
What does it mean when your left-hand itches? Contrary to right-hand itching, an itchy left palm is taken as a precautionary sign before doing any monetary activities.
According to palmistry, it’s a clear signal that you should not be involved in any gambling activities because luck won’t take your side.
Similarly, you should pay extra attention while doing any online or banking transactions. You should not disclose your secret property, personal identification number (PIN), or passwords to anybody.
An itchy left palm also gives you a warning sign of possible burglary, theft, or pick-pocketing. Likewise, unnecessary expenses might occur at home or elsewhere.
To prevent possible bad events due to left-hand itching, rub your hand against the wood or wooden item. This will help you get rid of the unwanted or negative energy around you.
Similarly, you can rub your palm against an egg, or metal silver, or wash your hands with alcohol.
Meaning of Left Hand with Itchy Palm for Males and Females
As we have discussed earlier, right-hand itching is considered good fortune and a possible outcome of money coming in for males, while it’s a bad omen for females.
On contrary, left-hand itching means good fortune for females and bad luck for males.
Although the money flow is denoted symbolically for right and left palm itching, it is actually defined as the flow of energy (outgoing energy and incoming energy) through hands by palmistry and Hindu beliefs.
Palms of Both Hands are Itching: What Does It Mean?
Spiritually, right and left hands represent the duality of our earth. They represent heart and mind, passivity and activity, feelings and reason.
If both hands are itchy, it signals the activities of receiving and offering at the same amount. It is a sign that your life is running smoothly with a balance of energy in every aspect.
Hand Itching Meanings and Hindu Religion
Those who are followers of the Hindu religion consider Goddess Lakshmi as a Goddess of wealth, good fortune, and prosperity.
It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi enters in the form of money through the right hand and exits through the left hand.
Based on this, if your right hand is itching, Laxmi is coming in the form of wealth, whereas if your left palm is itchy, Goddess Lakshmi is leaving you.
This belief is applicable to the palms of males. The opposite is true for the itchy hands of females.
The holy book of Cristian, Bible also states that God favors the right hand for any good activities like receiving blessings and sharing them with others.
Do This When Your Hands are Itching
These methods have helped a lot for those who believe in itchy palm superstition. So, there is no harm in giving a little bit of faith to unseen forces that produce miracles.
If there is the itchy palm of the lucky hand, you can buy a lottery ticket. Now, the really important point is that you shouldn’t scratch the lottery ticket by yourself. Any good luck will be gone if you do it yourself.
The best idea is to scratch the lottery ticket against the wood. If you don’t find the wood, ask someone to scratch it with the opposite hand.
It means, if you are a male and your right hand is itching, ask someone to scratch the lottery for you with his left hand.
Medically, what Does It Mean If Your Right or Left Hand or Palm Itches?
Pruritus is the medical term for itchy skin that results in frequent scratching. Other symptoms of pruritus may include an unpleasant sensation that makes you want to scratch, tingling, burning, or swelling.
Older adults are susceptible to topical irritations due to their changing skin conditions. They may also experience an increased incidence of dryness which causes dermatologic symptoms such as itching, bleeding, rash, and scaly rashes.
The skin’s itchiness arises from the nerves near the surface of the skin, carrying signals regarding sensations such as itching.
The causes of why your palm itches are varied. Some of the most common medical conditions associated with itching palms include dry skin, cold winter weather, and too many household cleaning chemicals.
-Allergic reactions, reactions to medicines, cancer, cirrhosis, cholestasis, nerve disorders, renal (kidney diseases), thyroid disorders, and hand eczema.
-The irritating reaction to the body is another reason for having an itchy palm. Some common causes of itching hands include dirt, dust, and plant/animal products.
-Some medicines, such as opioids, narcotics, ACE inhibitors, and statins can cause itchy hands or skin.
You scratch your skin which triggers a swarm of unpleasant symptoms like swelling, spots, rashes, scaly plaque, blisters, and redness.
Treatment for Itchy Hand or Palm
If you have an itchy hand that continues to bother you over time, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor if the cause is unclear. Your doctor can start treatment based on the exact cause so it will stop itching your palm and the rest of your life will be better.
Common medications for the treatment of itchy hands or palms include an H1-blocker antihistamine, antifungal sprays, topical emollients, steroid creams, and more.
To prevent itchy palms, make sure to pay close attention to your hand’s hygiene and cleanliness. Good hand care will help situate you for a healthy palm.
Some important tips for keeping your hands safe from itching include washing them regularly with soap you can trust, avoiding using gloves made of synthetic fabrics, and avoiding touching chemicals that could cause an itchy sensation in your palms.
Home Remedies to Prevent Itchy Hand or Palm Itching
If you’re experiencing itchy or uncomfortable sensations in your hands, try these easy home remedies.
-If you find that your hand gets itchy frequently – one solution is to apply a cold pack or pour a bit of cold water over the palm
-Use moisturizers regularly to avoid dryness on your hands
– Avoid scratching the affected area in the palm
-Always use fragrance-free cleaners or soaps to wash your hands-
-Your hands can get dry and cracked from a lot of manual labor. Prepare an oatmeal bath by adding one cup of oatmeal to warm water, then dipping your hand in the mixture.
Final Words from Health Kura
The left or right hand with an itchy palm might have spiritual meanings, myths, common beliefs, or superstitions.
But, it’s up to you whether to believe it or not. Modern science doesn’t have evidence to support this common belief.
The first and foremost step you need to have when you have palm itching of any hand is to find out if this is a medical concern or not.
If your doctor suggests you any treatment, just follow it regularly instead of relying on the common superstition of gaining money or losing money.
There are some home remedies for itchy palms you can try before going for other treatments.
Finally, if there is no medical issue associated with right or left-hand itching, then only give thoughts towards itchy palm meaning, superstitions, or common beliefs. That’s all up to you.
Video: Meanings of Left Hand and Right Hand Itching
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